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What is Commercial Taxi/Cab Insurance?

Commercial taxi/cab insurance is specialised coverage for vehicles used in taxi or cab services. Commercial vehicle insurance includes liability third party and comprehensive coverage, protecting against accidents, damage, and theft. Additional features like uninsured motorist coverage, medical payments, and commercial use endorsement cater to business-related risks. This type of insurance accounts for the higher usage and risks associated with commercial vehicles, ensuring the safety of drivers, passengers.


Why should I insure my Taxi/Cab with a Commercial Taxi Insurance?

Please find below are top 10 reasons why you need to insure you taxi/cab 

Coverage Adequacy: Commercial taxi insurance covers your vehicle in case of any accident the company will pay against you to the garage to repair your vehicle.

Legal Compliance: As per Indian government it is mandatory to have commercial vehicle insurance for t permit vehicles like taxis to operate legally on the roads.

Passenger Safety: Commercial taxi insurance includes passenger liability coverage, safeguarding you and your business in case passengers are injured during transport.

Business Continuity: In case of accidents or damage, commercial insurance helps cover repair costs, minimising downtime and keeping your business operational.

Higher Vehicle Usage: Taxis have higher mileage and exposure than personal vehicles, increasing the likelihood of accidents. Commercial insurance considers to reduce the risk.

Third-Party Protection: Liability coverage protects you against claims from other parties involved in accidents, reducing the financial burden from legal expenses and settlements.

Vehicle Replacement: Comprehensive coverage includes theft and damage for your own commercial taxi /cab vehicles in case of damage and required replacement  or a repair.

Passenger Confidence: Having proper insurance boosts passenger confidence, as they know they are protected in case of accidents or injuries during their journey.

Legal Defense: Commercial insurance often includes legal assistance, aiding you in navigating legal complexities following accidents or claims.

Why choose a Commercial Taxi/Cab Insurance Policy from

Usually online policies are often 30% to 80% cheaper than the offline agent policy and plans. This is because insurance companies are able to reduce their overheads and eliminate agents’ commission while selling online policy. Also from us you can directly compare insurance plans according to your requirement and get the best offer with saving your money.

What's covered in Commercial Taxi/Cab Insurance?


 Damages caused to the auto rickshaw in case of an accident.


Loss or damage to the auto rickshaw due to theft.


Damages caused to the auto rickshaw due to a fire.

Natural Calamities

Damages caused to the auto rickshaw due to any natural calamity

Personal Accident

 If there is an accident of the auto rickshaw, leading to an injury or death of the owner or paid driver.

Third Party Losses

Any damages caused by the commercial vehicle to a third party person or any property.

Towing Disabled Vehicles

Any damages caused to the vehicle by the auto rickshaw to the vehicle being towed.

Add-ons available with Commercial Taxi/Cab Insurance

NOTE :- Below add-on covers only avail when Opted while buying the policy.

Consumable Cover

A consumable cover will give your commercial vehicle protection beyond just the usual. It covers your vehicle parts 100% like glass, metal, fibre, plastic at the time of accident repair.

Parts Depreciation Protect

Your vehicle and its parts can depreciate in value over time because of accidents as well as its wear and tear and this amount is usually deducted from any claim. Depreciation Protect – This add-on ensures that this depreciation will be covered on any replaced vehicle parts (like rubber or fibreglass parts, Plastic, Denting Painting) in the case of an accident.


Engine and Gearbox Protect

Your vehicle’s engine or gearbox gets damaged in an accident, due to things like water regression or leakage of lubricating oil. This add-on will help cover any consequential damages caused after the accident (but because of it), for example engine damage due to hydrostatic loss, which is not covered in a standard policy.

Breakdown Assistance


In this Feature whenever you face a breakdown of your vehicle on the road, due to an accident, flat tires, malfunctioning battery, or more, with selected insurer (If opted) breakdown assistance add-on, you can get the benefit of getting assistance 24×7.




Loss of Revenue


 For many, vehicles are essential for work. This add-on helps to compensate you for any loss of Personal belonging income that could occur while your commercial vehicle is not available when it’s being repaired due to damages.




Additional Towing Expenses

Any damages caused to the vehicle by the commercial vehicle to the vehicle being towed.


When your vehicle is in an accident, if not in condition it will need to be towed to a garage to be repaired. Under this add-on, the insurer will cover for additional expenses that you might have while your vehicle is being moved from the spot of accident to the nearest garage or place of safety.

EMI PrCoverotection


 If your vehicle is taken on a loan and is damaged by an accident, and it’s sitting in a garage for repair that might mean a loss for your business. Through this add-on, you will be paid regular EMIs payable to the financier of the vehicle recorded in the insurer book, in condition of 1 EMI will be paid.




Additional Coverages Endorsements Available

Personal Accident Cover

 If something happens to the person sitting with you in the vehicle, in an unforeseen accident this cover is a fall back to cover for the same.




Legal Liability


This cover has you protected against any legal liability that arises against you due to an injury caused to your employees / someone who works for you.




IMT 23


This cover helps cover for losses or damages to lamps, tyres, tubes, mudguards, bonnet, side part bumpers, headlights and paintwork in all cases, even if the vehicle is partially damaged.




Electrical Accessories

This cover is for those who have  fitted any electrical accessory in their vehicle, which is outside fitted and not a part of manufacture, this will cover those accessories.




Non-Electrical Accessories

If you’ve fitted any non-electrical accessory in your vehicle which is not a part of the manufacturer’s model, this cover helps cover for those accessories during damages and losses.




Special Exclusions & Compulsory Deductibles

On every loss there will be a certain amount which you will have to pay as your share of the loss called the compulsory deductible. This will help you reduce your premium when buying the policy. This will also cover the loss or damage to lamps, tyres, tubes, mudguards, bonnet, side part bumpers, headlights and paintwork if your vehicle is completely damaged.

What’s not covered?

It is important to know what’s not covered in your commercial vehicle insurance policy so that there are no misses when you make a claim. Here are some such situations

Own Damages for Third-Party Policy holder

In case of a Third-Party Liability Only Policy, damages to one’s own vehicle won’t be covered.

Drunk Riding or without a Licence


If the owner-driver or a Paid driver of the claimed vehicle is drunk or driving without a valid licence.

Contributory Negligence


Any damage caused due to contributory negligence of the driver (such as driving when there’s an existing flood).

Consequential Damages

Any damage that is not a direct result of the accident/natural calamity i.e., consequential losses like loss of earnings, loss of market, if already damaged long back etc.

Key Features of Commercial Taxi/Cab Insurance(Taxi/Cab Insurance)

Key Features Benefits
Claim Process
Paperless Claims
Customer Support
24x7 Support
Types of Commercial Vehicles Covered
Cabs and Taxis, Trucks, Lorries, Buses, Auto Rickshaws, School Vans, etc.
Customised as per type of commercial vehicle & number of vehicles to be insured
Additional Coverage
PA Covers, Legal Liability Cover, Special Exclusions and Compulsory Deductibles, etc
Damages to Third-Party
Unlimited Liability for Personal Damages, Up to 7.5 Lakhs for Property/Vehicle Damages

Type of Commercial Vehicle Taxi/Cab Insurance Price

On your requirement of your commercial vehicle insurance, Primarily offer two types of policies. However, considering the risk and use of commercial vehicles, it’s recommended to take a standard package policy that will financially protect your own commercial vehicle, and the owner-driver using a paid driver is also a third party as well.

Liability Only Standard Package
If any damages caused by your commercial vehicle to any third-party person or property
If any damages caused to any third-party person or property by the vehicle being towed by your insured commercial vehicle
Loss or damages to own commercial vehicle due to natural calamities, fire, theft or accidents.
If owner driver doesn’t already have a personal accident cover from before
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How to file a claim?

In case of filing the claim you need to file it to direct insurer what you choose at the time of buying an insurance policy for your commercial vehicle policy, we can also help you if you find it difficult to file the claim for your particular vehicle.

Keep your details such as policy number, location of the accident, date & time of the accident, and contact number of the insured/caller handy to make our process easier.


How fast are Insurance Claims Settled?

This is the first question that should come to your mind when switching your insurance company. Good you’re doing that!

Read Claims Report Card

Know more about Commercial Taxi/Cab Insurance

It is mandatory as per indian law if you run any commercial taxi or cab on road and hire a passenger to place them one place to another and charging a charge from them, then you need to think of the passenger for their risk as the time of travelling if something happen with them and your vehicle in fact you too, then insurance company will pay finance to you and your passenger hence it is mandator and it is beneficial every who own taxi or cab for their business or earning money from commercial taxi.

Yes, commercial vehicle insurance is important for several reasons:


Legal requirement: In many jurisdictions, having commercial vehicle insurance is a legal requirement for vehicles used for business purposes.


Financial protection: Without insurance, businesses would be responsible for bearing these costs out of pocket, which could be financially burdensome or even result in significant losses.


Liability coverage: Accidents involving commercial vehicles can lead to property damage, bodily injuries, or legal claims from third parties. Commercial vehicle insurance offers liability coverage, protecting businesses from potential lawsuits and the associated costs of legal defense or settlement.


Business continuity: If a business heavily relies on its vehicles for operations such as transportation, delivery, or service provision, any disruption or loss of these vehicles can significantly impact the business's continuity. Commercial vehicle insurance helps minimize downtime by providing coverage for repairs, replacements, or temporary vehicle rentals, allowing businesses to resume operations more quickly.


Customized coverage: Commercial vehicle insurance offers tailored coverage options that cater specifically to the risks associated with commercial vehicle use. This ensures that businesses have the appropriate protection for their unique needs, which may not be adequately addressed by personal auto insurance policies.


Peace of mind: Having commercial vehicle insurance provides peace of mind to business owners and operators, knowing that they are protected financially in case of unforeseen events or accidents involving their vehicles. This allows them to focus on their core business operations without constant worry about potential financial liabilities.


Overall, commercial vehicle insurance is important as it helps businesses comply with legal requirements, protects them financially, safeguards against liability claims, ensures business continuity, provides tailored coverage, and offers peace of mind. It is a crucial component of risk management for businesses that utilize vehicles for their operations.

Choosing the right commercial vehicle insurance online requires careful consideration and evaluation of your business needs. find below some steps to help you in this.


Right Insured Declared Value (IDV): IDV is the value of your vehicle you want to insure, all premiums are dependent on the IDV only while buying or looking for commercial vehicle insurance online or offline please make sure that your IDV is stated correctly.


Service Benefits: Consider services such as 24x7 Customer Support and a Wide Network of Cashless Garages, among others. In times of need, these services matter.


Review Add-Ons: While purchasing the right commercial insurance for your vehicle, consider the add-ons available to ensure maximum benefits.

Claim Speed: It’s the most important aspect of any insurance. Pick an insurance company you know will settle claims quickly.

Best Value: From the right premium and after services to claim settlements and add-ons; pick a motor insurance that conveniently covers everything you think you will need at the best possible value.


Business requirements: Understand your specific business needs and the nature of vehicle usage. Consider factors such as types of vehicle,


Research insurance providers: Look for reputable insurance companies that offer commercial vehicle insurance considering their experience, financial stability, customer reviews, and the range of coverage options they provide.


Compare coverage options: Review the coverage options offered by different insurance providers. Evaluate the types of coverage available, such as liability third party coverage, own damage coverage, comprehensive coverage. depends on each option that aligns with your business requirements.


Evaluate policy features and exclusions: Carefully review the policy features and any exclusions that may apply. Pay attention to deductibles, limits of liability, additional benefits, and any limitations on coverage. Ensure that the policy meets your specific needs and provides adequate protection.


Get multiple quotes: Request quotes from multiple insurance providers to compare prices and coverage. Online insurance comparison websites can be useful in obtaining multiple quotes from different insurers in a convenient manner.


Check for discounts: Inquire about any available discounts that can help reduce premiums. Many insurers offer discounts based on factors such as a good driving record, vehicle safety features, fleet size, or buying multiple fleet policies.


Review customer support and claims process: Consider the quality of customer support provided by the insurance company. Check their reputation for handling claims efficiently and providing prompt assistance when needed.


Read and understand the policy documents: Carefully read the policy documents and any terms and conditions associated with the coverage. Ensure that you fully understand what is covered, any limitations, the claims process, and any obligations or responsibilities you have as the policyholder.


Seek professional advice if necessary: If you have complex insurance needs or are unsure about certain aspects, consider consulting an insurance broker or agent who specializes in commercial vehicle insurance. They can provide expert advice and help you navigate the options available.


Make an informed decision: After considering all the factors above, make a well-informed decision based on your evaluation of the coverage, pricing, reputation, and suitability of the insurance provider.


Remember, choosing the right commercial vehicle insurance is essential for protecting your business, assets, and employees. Take your time, compare options, and ensure you have the coverage that meets your specific requirements.

Comparing commercial vehicle insurance quotes online can help you find the best coverage and pricing for your business. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to compare commercial vehicle insurance quotes effectively:


Gather necessary information: Before starting your search, gather relevant information about your business and vehicles. This may include details such as the number of vehicles, vehicle types, usage patterns, driver information, and any specific coverage requirements you have.


Research reputable insurance comparison websites: Look for trusted insurance comparison websites that provide quotes from multiple insurance providers. Make sure the website from your compare or buy is reliable and has a good reputation for accuracy and security.


Enter your details: Fill in the required information on the comparison website accurately and completely. This typically includes details about your business, vehicles, drivers, and desired coverage.


Specify coverage requirements: Clearly state the coverage options you need, such as liability coverage, collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, medical payments coverage, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. This will ensure accurate quotes that meet your specific needs.


Compare quotes: Once you've entered your information, the comparison website will provide you with quotes from different insurance providers. Review the quotes carefully, comparing the coverage options, premiums, deductibles, and any additional benefits or limitations associated with each quote.


Evaluate coverage and exclusions: Pay close attention to the coverage details and any exclusions mentioned in the quotes. Assess how well each quote aligns with your business requirements and the level of protection you need.


Consider customer reviews and ratings: While comparing quotes, take into account customer reviews and ratings of the insurance providers. This can give you insights into their reputation, customer service, claims handling, and overall satisfaction levels.


Assess the financial stability of insurers: It's important to consider the financial stability of the insurance companies providing the quotes. Research their financial strength ratings from reputable rating agencies to ensure they are financially sound and capable of meeting their obligations.


Seek clarification if needed: If you have any questions or need clarification about the coverage or terms, reach out to the insurance providers directly. Contact their customer care and  service or speak with an insurance agent to address any concerns or doubts you may have like IDV or NCB or anything you do not know about the insurance.


Make an informed decision: Based on your evaluation of the quotes, coverage, reputation, and financial stability of the insurance providers, make an informed decision that best meets your business needs and budget.


Remember, it's not just about choosing the lowest-priced quote but also ensuring the coverage and service quality are suitable for your business. Take your time, compare the quotes thoroughly, and consider all relevant factors before making a decision.

Important Things to know before buying a Commercial Vehicle Insurance Policy

Coverage options: Understand the different types of coverage for your commercial vehicle insurance, such as third party liability coverage, first party coverage, comprehensive coverage, medical payments coverage, and uninsured motorist coverage. Assess your business needs and select the appropriate coverage options.

What is IDV?

The Insured Declared Value is the maximum amount your insurance provider can pay out in case your car is stolen or damaged beyond repair. This value is determined by the manufacturer’s selling price of your vehicle and its depreciation calculated.

What is NCB (No Claim Bonus)?

A No Claim Bonus (NCB) is a discount on premium given to the policyholder for having a claim free policy term. A no claims bonus ranges from a discount of 20-50% and is something you earn at the end of your policy period by maintaining a record of having no accidents caused by your commercial vehicle.

What are Deductibles?

Deductibles are the amount the policyholder is required to pay out during a claim. There are generally two kinds of deductibles; one that is compulsory and the other, the voluntary claim- that you can opt and choose according to how much your business can bear per claim.

The higher your voluntary claim, the lower is your premium. However, while choosing a voluntary deductible amount- make sure it is an amount you’ll be able to afford in case a claim arises.

What is a Cashless Claim?

If you opt to get your commercial vehicle repaired with a Digit Authorised Repair Center, we will make the payment for the approved claim amount, directly to the Repair Center. This is a Cashless Claim.

Please note, if there are any deductibles, like a Compulsory Excess/ Deductible, any repair charges for which your insurance doesn’t cover you or any depreciation costs, that is to be paid by the insured’s own pocket.

What do you mean by a Third-Party Liability?

A Third-Party Liability is when your commercial vehicle damages a third-party property, person or vehicle. In this case, your insurance policy (Liability only policy/Standard Package Policy) is liable to financially cover for the losses incurred towards it

Legal requirements: Familiarise yourself with the legal requirements for commercial vehicle insurance in your jurisdiction. Ensure that the policy you choose meets the minimum insurance requirements mandated by law.

Vehicle information: Provide accurate and detailed information about your commercial vehicles when applying for insurance. This includes vehicle make, model, year, usage, and any modifications. The accuracy of this information ensures appropriate coverage and accurate premium calculation.

Driver details: Disclose accurate information about the drivers who will be operating the commercial vehicles. This includes their driving records, experience, and any relevant qualifications. Providing false or incomplete driver information can impact the validity of the insurance policy.

Exclusions and limitations: Review the policy documents to understand the exclusions and limitations associated with the coverage. These may include specific types of accidents or damages that are not covered, as well as any restrictions on vehicle usage or driver qualifications.

Deductibles: Determine the deductibles associated with the policy. A deductible is the amount you agree to pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage comes into effect. Consider your budget and risk tolerance when selecting the deductible amount.

Policy limits: Understand the policy limits for each coverage type. Policy limits represent the maximum amount the insurance company will pay in the event of a claim. Ensure that the limits are sufficient to cover potential losses and liabilities.

Premiums: Consider the premium cost associated with the policy. Premiums can vary based on factors such as vehicle type, usage, driver records, and coverage limits. Compare quotes from multiple insurers to get a sense of the premium range and choose a policy that provides the best value for your business.

Claims process: Familiarize yourself with the claims process of the insurance company. Understand the steps involved in filing a claim, the required documentation, and the timeframe for claim resolution. A smooth and efficient claims process is crucial when you need to make a claim.

Insurance provider reputation: Research the reputation and financial stability of the insurance provider. Look for reviews, ratings, and customer feedback to gauge their reliability and customer service track record. Choose an insurer that has a solid reputation and a history of prompt and fair claims handling.

Additional benefits: Inquire about any additional benefits or services offered by the insurance provider. This could include roadside assistance, loss of use coverage, or fleet management tools. Assess if these additional benefits align with your business needs.

Important Things to know before buying a Taxi/cab Insurance Policy

Before purchasing a commercial vehicle insurance policy, you should know these factors and must consider. some main key points to keep in mind while buying or comparing:

Check Coverage Types: Understand the different types of coverage available for commercial vehicle insurance, such as liability (third party insurance) coverage, collision coverage, comprehensive ( full insurance or first party insurance) coverage. Determine which types of coverage are necessary for your specific business needs.

State and Legal Requirements: Familiar yourself with the insurance requirements mandated by your state or region for commercial vehicles. Each jurisdiction or RTO may have specific minimum coverage limits or other legal obligations that you must meet.

Vehicle Information: Provide accurate and detailed information about your commercial vehicle(s) to the insurance provider. This includes vehicle make, model, variant, year, identification number (VIN), and any modifications or accessories added to the vehicle. The insurer will use this information to determine the appropriate coverage and premium.

Usage and Business Information: Clearly communicate the purpose of the commercial vehicle(s) and how they will be used for business activities. Different usage scenarios, such as transportation, delivery, or construction, may require specific coverage options.

Insurance Limits and Deductibles: The deductible is the amount you agree to pay out of your pocket while buying insurance. Higher deductibles leads to lower premiums, while lower deductibles result in higher premiums.

Additional Coverage Considerations: Evaluate if you need any additional coverage options beyond the basic ones. For instance, you might need coverage for specialized equipment, hired or non-owned vehicles, or cargo insurance if you transport goods.

Compare for best price and coverage: Obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers to compare coverage options, premiums, and customer reviews. It’s important to select a reputed insurer with good customer service and a strong claims handling process.

Exclusions and Limitations: Read the policy documents carefully to understand any exclusions, limitations, or specific conditions that may affect your coverage. Be aware of any situations or circumstances that might result in a claim denial or reduced coverage.

Claim Process and Customer Support: Research the insurance company’s reputation for handling claims and providing customer support. It’s crucial to choose an insurer known for efficient and fair claim settlements.

Review and Update Regularly: Regularly review your commercial vehicle insurance policy to ensure it aligns with your changing business needs. Inform your insurance provider about any modifications to vehicles, changes in usage, or additional drivers to ensure continuous coverage.

What is a Cashless Claim?  If you opt to get your commercial vehicle repaired with a insurer Authorised Repair Center, the insurer will make the payment for the approved claim amount, directly to the Repair Center. This is a Cashless Claim.

What is Third-Party Liability Insurance ? A Third-Party Liability is when your commercial vehicle damages a third-party or unknown property, person or vehicle.  In this case your insurance policy (Liability only policy/Standard Package Policy) is liable to pay cover for the losses incurred towards it.


How is Commercial Taxi/Cab Insurance different from regular Car Insurance?

Commercial vehicle insurance covers vehicles used for business and public transport purposes, such as transporting goods, making deliveries, or providing services. Regular car insurance is meant for personal use vehicles used for commuting. It also often requires higher liability coverage limits compared to personal car insurance. This is because commercial vehicles typically carry more risk due to their business use and may need increased protection in case of accidents or damages. Prices are usually higher than the private car insurance price. It usually depends on vehicle use and segment of the vehicle, also it is decided by the IRDA itself. It may have stricter requirements regarding driver qualifications and driving records. RTO signed different types of driving licence for commercial vehicles and for private car light weight licence and legal requirements imposed by local or regional authorities for businesses operating commercial vehicles. These requirements can vary by jurisdiction and may include minimum coverage limits or other regulations that businesses must comply with.

Why is it important to buy/renew Taxi/Cab Insurance?

It is very important to buy or renew you commercial vehicle insurance for below reasons:

In most jurisdictions, having valid auto insurance is a legal requirement for operating a commercial vehicle. If insurance is not there and coughs by cops will get you high fines and penalties, and even the suspension of your business operations. By purchasing and renewing commercial vehicle insurance, you ensure that you legit with the legal obligations and maintain the necessary coverage to protect your business.

Commercial vehicle insurance provides financial protection in case of accidents, fire, theft and damages to your commercial vehicles. Insurance coverage will help you to cover the costs of repairing or replacing your vehicle’s damage, as well as any property damage or human injuries caused to others in an accident. Without insurance you might lose a lot of money as you will be the sole responsible for all those.

FAQs about Taxi Insurance in India

A third party insurance covers in commercial vehicle insurance only paid drivers, owner drivers if opted and to others who got injured or damaged from your vehicle like human or property.

Commercial passenger carrying vehicles help people transport from one place to another. Examples of this include public and school buses, cabs and taxis.

Goods carrying vehicle is used to carry goods to transport from one place to another, it can be private use for business or public goods such as Pick-up trucks and lorries.

Vehicle is not used for passenger and goods carrying like crane and tractor and harvester like all machines considered under this category.

You can directly call in the emergency number if any injury or in damaged condition you can call to the insurer contact number mentioned on your policy paper.

Either you can go anywhere if you do not want any cashless facility or you can go to the insurer ti up service centre where you can get cashless service and get your vehicle.